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Theses on robotics

Frnaka Robot

Many theoretical and/or experimental activities are available as master theses. Typically, they are related to ongoing research activities. Occasionally, theses to be done at companies, or in collaboration with companies, are also proposed. Self-proposed thesis arguments are also welcome.
A tentatively up-to-date list of theses is given below.

  1. Control of mobile manipulators (mobile base + robot arm) carrying containers with liquids (PRIN 2020 project "Co-MiR: Extending Robotic Manipulation Capabilities by Cooperative Mobile and Flexible Multi-Robot Systems")
  2. Design of a robotic cell for automatic testing Hall-effect sensors, when their pose in 3D space is changed.
  3. Control of a robot interacting with human beings during rehabilitation activities and design of an interface for intuitive programming of rehabilitation exercises.
  4. Design of mechanical interfaces (or algorithms exploiting force sensors equipping the robot) for estimating the human impedance during teaching by demonstration tasks.
  5. Estimation of human limbs pose with IMU wearable sensors/cameras with applications to the assessment of the patient level during a rehabilitation process and the control of a robot in teaching by demonstration tasks.
  6. Estimation of the human intention in shared control applications (e.g. use of a prosthetic hand) for adapting the robot behavior to the context.
  7. Estimation of a flexible cable pose from images acquired during a manipulation task and design of machine learning techniques for relating robot motion to cable configuration (in collaboration with UNIBO).
  8. Optimization of the relative pose between objects of different shapes and a sort of vacuum gripper for maximizing the grasping force.
  9. Modeling of the deformation of a corrugated tube installed on a robot, during motions, and design of an algorithm for detecting critical situations.


Manutenzione predittiva di componenti della driveline di un trattore agricolo

Ottimizzazione del controllo e del modello di elmenti di un trattore agricolo (CNH)

Descrizione del problema
In questa tesi/tirocinio, si vogliono sviluppare tecniche basate sull'analisi dei segnali in grado di stimare guasti incipianti e in generale il degrado dei componenti della driveline di un trattore agricolo. Mediante testbed sperimentali la validità di tali tecniche dovrà essere testata sperimentalmente .

Altro argomento di tesi rigurda l'ottimizzazione dei parametri per l'analisi del comportametno del sistema basata su modello e il controllo ottimo dello stesso.

Si cercano
Ingegneri del veicolo o ingegneri elettronici con competenze basilari di controlli automatici

Contacts:  Luigi Biagiotti, tel.: +39 059 205 6315, E-mail:


Tesi assegnate

Ultime tesi magistrali seguite dal docente:

  • Controllo di un Robot Collaborativo per Attività Riabilitative
  • Valutazione di Performance ed Ottimizzazione di Parametri del Sistema di Controllo della DriveLine di un Trattore (in collaborazione con CNH Industrial)